Thursday, May 3, 2018


While giving a speech at West Point this week, Our President once again floated the idea of adding a "Space Force" as a branch of the U.S. military (on the grounds that "We're getting very big in space...").


Monster-of-the-Week: another potential enemy for the Space Force...

...a Selenite, a lunar dweller as rendered by the great, pioneering French filmmaker Georges Melies (honored today with a virtual reality Google Doodle) in this conceptual art for his 1902 masterpiece A Trip to the Moon (Le Voyage dans la Lune). Not that they were the most formidable enemies; you may recall that the Selenites in that film would explode in a puff of smoke when whacked over the head with an umbrella.

Even so, it wouldn't be surprising if Our President also promised to build us a space wall, and make the Moon pay for it...

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